In this section we’ll explore some of the ethical and social issues related to network security, privacy, and data collection that businesses must address. Technoethics Ethical and social issues arising from the use of technology in all areas of our lives—and in business, in particular—have lead to the creation of a new branch of ethics

Acknowledgement I would Like to Thank My Lecturer Ms. Roshini Gunawardana as well as ICTA and Who Reply my Questions in to Finish This Research. Sincerely, Sirojan Gnanaretnam Student Table of Contents Topic Page Number Introduction 2 Ethical Issues 2-3 Legal Issues 3-7 Social Political theorists like Veblen argued that the separation of corporate ownership from control generates a transfer of power from a minority of stockholders to a group of decisive owners who have the control over the way of access to credit and finance (Roe, 1994, p. 5). A recent survey found that 67 percent of respondents were concerned about social networking privacy issues, yet only 31 percent of those asked updated their privacy settings within the last 90 days. This lack of attention to detail can make your fan page an open target for social engineering, data and identity theft and more. This paper examinates 3 articles on the privacy of individuals used a social networking site and studies if the kind of shared information makes them victims. We thus classify online social network privacy and security is- sues into the following categories (summarized in Table 1). 1. Leakages and linkages of user information and content: these issues relate to information disclosure threats. We identify a number of entities who are involved with users’ information and their content leakage and

EFF works to expose issues with social networks as soon as they emerge from the leaking of information to advertisers or the policies of the sites themselves. EFF helps savvy users better understand how to strengthen their privacy online and opt out of information sharing.

Hence, handling the security and privacy issues of smart network systems is of practical importance and provides motivations for new theoretical studies. Designing secure and privacy-preserving protocols while guaranteeing the system performance is a challenging and hard matter.

sharing information easy and this is why social network sites like Facebook and the fairly new Google + constantly deal with privacy issues on a monthly basis (Zang, 2011). One of the key issues social networking sites face is the privacy of its user’s content. This can vary from personal information, pictures, videos, and messages but Nov 28, 2011 · overcome those security countermeasures by using different techniques. Social network users may not be aware of such threats. Therefore, this paper will present a survey on different privacy and security issues in online social networks. The issues include privacy issues, identity theft, social networks spam, social networks Apr 02, 2015 · Aim This presentation will discuss some different common types of social network sites and the privacy issues of these social networking services. Also share some general tips for using social networks. 4. This obviously has social media privacy implications. In a base case scenario, a clever brand would be able to craft marketing messages customized for you, simply by analyzing the people in your network. Search engines would be able to deliver search results geared to specific people based on what their friends are saying. European Advisory Group Issues Opinion on Social Networking : The European expert group on data protection and privacy issued a guidance to Social Network Service providers on measures needed to ensure compliance with EU law. The key concern of the group is the dissemination and use of information available on such networks for secondary A clear understanding of social networking sites and privacy issues online is the key to this issue. In the recent years social networking sites (SNS) have attracted millions of people as on such sites people can communicate in various ways.